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Our Little Bits Magic of Invention Challenge

We had a blast during our meeting yesterday. Most students decided to work on a "battle bot" and figured out how to control them using their bluetooth from our phones.  While they were busy battling... Adaire, Sara and Mayan collaborated and came up with a Harry Potter inspired invention using our Little Bits circuits. They created their version of a wireless,  "magic wand" activated, Sorting Hat from the movie Harry Potter. If you've never watched the movies, the Sorting hat talks and assigns each student to a certain house at Hogwarts. They used wireless transceivers and receivers along with a button and battery powered circuits to achieve their invention. Not to mention an old bubble wand, brown paper and cardboard. This is the Magic of creativity at work!

State FLL Robotics Competition

We had the amazing honor of participating in the FLL Tournament in NOLA this weekend (Dec 10th, 2016).  Although we did not place, we learned so much and had a great time. We left feeling very accomplished. Our robot was not behaving as it had done so many times during practice, and did not complete the missions we had previously compete successfully. We definitely had a chance to be at the top! We were great contenders!!!

Here's a little video of our experience

Little Bits!

We are so excited because today we began using our Littlebits circuit kits. I didn't get a chance to record everyone, but they have come up with some pretty cool little contraptions. We are just beginning. Great Job kids!

We attended the State Qualifier Tournament in Lafayette and qualified for the State Tournament and placed 2nd in the project division. I'm beyond proud of our rookie team and their amazing accomplishment. They are a talented the group and have been working very hard. Their dedication and true passion for engineering if obvious. They are learning to work as a team and are having so much fun! Great job SIS Robotics!! Here are a few pics and video from the tournament.

Today we had a very productive meeting with St. John Berchman's Robotics Team. Our kids had lots of interesting questions. We learned so much from them today! Tournament is almost here. I'm very proud of everyone's efforts. I've seen so much growth!

We're well on our way!

Some Robots came to life today!


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